Put your records on

Dagens inlägg rymmer väldigt lite egna tankar för jag tänkte nämligen härma systra mi och följa den spännade mallen där låttitlar får bestämma allt. So here goes....

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.

How are you feeling today?
Disillusion (Badly Drawn Boy)

How do your friends see you?
Toto dies (Nellie Mckay)

Will you get married?
Show me the meaning of being lonely (Backstreet boys) Ja, precis.

What is your best friend's theme song?
I want to hold your hand (The Beatles)

What is the story of your life?
Like eating glass (Bloc party)

What was high school like?
My heart will go on (Celine Dion)

What is tonight going to be like?
I’m your villain (Franz Ferdinand)

What song describes you?
Like my very own blood (Tiger lou)

To describe your grandparents?
Still got the blues (Gary Moore) Yeah, they do!

How is your life going?
Speedway (Counting Crows) Stressigt?

What song will they play at your funeral?
Mrs Potters Lullabye (Counting Crows)

How does the world see you?
Vem tänder stjärnorna (Eva Dahlgren)

Will you have a happy life?.
Om du nånsin börjar tveka (Ainbusk) Så slår nån mig?

What do your friends really think of you?
On the streets I ran (Morrissey)

Do people secretly lust after you?
At last I am born (Morrissey)

How can I make myself happy?
Saint Robinson and His Cadillac dream (Counting Crows)

What should you do with your life?
The Shining (Badly Drawn Boy)

Will you ever have children?
Be bop a Lula (Gene Vincent) Det är ju en rolig sång att sjunga för dem kanske? =)

Jag har inte fuskat men ingen av låtarna låg i en musikmapp jag skapat, så det kanske ínte är så trovärdigt i alla fall...

Postat av: syster


Postat av: Anonym

till körkortet alltså!

2007-02-21 @ 14:07:29
Postat av: mips

åh vad den där lilla näsapan e skarp

2007-02-21 @ 21:58:44
Postat av: Maria

Testet skall göras snarast. Dvs så fort jag hittar alla ipod-sladdar och kan få lite power i apparaten. Gah.
Skoj igår?

2007-05-20 @ 12:32:15
URL: http://serendipica.blogspot.com

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